About my Blog

I will be writing this blog for my own enjoyment and perhaps a few others will find some joy in reading it too. If you happen to find something of interest, be sure to leave me a comment.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Adios! Leg One Begins

Well, so far so good. I have decided to try to write as I go so I don't forget all the wonderful
events that happen. This will be 'Leg One' of this years journey to Las Matas. Leg One really began last night when Jeff had to help me pack. Most people who truly know me, know I don't like traveling. I like 'going places' or better said 'getting to the place' but not the physical part of traveling. Usually if we are going on a family vacation, Jeff does all the packing. I lay my stuff out and he does the organizing and double checking. Then I meander out to the car when departure time comes, and off we go. Earlier in the week, I began to lay stuff out and actually
put most of it in my carry on and larger bag. But last night, I experienced what I call 'shut down mode'. Luckily, Jeff came to my rescue. This may be my first trip that I haven't forgotten something.
After finishing loading and organizing my precious, life saving, only way I can fly, iPod, I headed to bed, only to sleep fitfully. I felt like the little kids in the old Disney commercial who were laying in bed and squealed, "I'm too excited to sleep!" Once I did nod off, 4 a.m came quickly. We made it to the airport and Jeff did the drop and run routine that we have become so familiar with lately. It was a joyous event to meet up again with our annual trip friends and meet some newbies. I love to listen to everyone talk about what has been going on in their lives in the past year. Some I have visited and kept up with as Facebook friends, while others are only face-to-face visits this time each year.
Finally we boarded. My 26F seat was calling. To my surprise, the plane wasn't full and there was an empty seat between my row mate and me. Once settled in with my iPod ready for use and clutching the airline supplied bath towel sized blanket, we took off. Take offs aren't so bad for me, it's generally the landing that causes me to transform into a panic stricken wimp. Not long after ascending into the wild blue yonder,did we start the descent. Oh, how I hate that part!
I've always told Jeff that I feel things deeply, usually referring to comments and situations. But I really do physically 'feel' my heart beating in my ears, even above the roar of the jet planes below my wing side seat. At one point when I felt a quick drop in altitude, my head popped up from the semi-praying, listening to my Christian music blaring, eyes closed position, to look at my seat away neighbor to check out if he seemed the type who would mind a perfect stranger grabbing his arm and squeezing- just for a little while. His eyes were closed, head leaned back, and arms crossed tightly across his chest. I quickly reckoned I was on my own. So the squeezing of the hard plastic arm rest began. I have to admit, I think I did pretty good on this first leg.
We board for Leg Two shortly............Lord Jesus, give us a smooth ride.........I kept thinking of the song "Jesus take the wheel" but a plane doesn't really have a wheel.......and then my mind jumps to the humorous fishing rendition of the song that says "Cletis, take the reel..........Oh boy, it's going to be a loooonnnggg day!


  1. I am glad you posted the address for your blog, I will be checking it to keep up on your trip!

  2. I look forward to keeping track of your journey. I will be praying for you as you serve the Lord. We will need to get together when you get back and share stories. Our Jamaican trip was wonderful and, as usual, feel as though we were blessed more than we blessed and were served more than we served.


    Kris Reed
